HR Leaders is a digital media platform Shaping the Future of Work, for business and for the lasting benefit of society.

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HR Leaders Workshop: March 10th, 2022

Session #1

From the Great Resignation to the Great Adaptation: How to Improve Employee Retention through Talent Acquisition

Attracting and retaining talent in a tight labour market has ascended to the top of CEOs' list of strategic priorities. This means Talent Acquisition is getting a seat at the executive table, and this responsibility comes with enormous opportunity. Talent Acquisition strategies have a huge impact on employee retention and their engagement, and it is up to Talent Leaders to push for the kind of talent transformation that can help organisations keep their top talent longer.

Discussion points

  • How can you create an employee-driven career pathing culture with increased accessibility to internal opportunities to improve workforce retention

  • What ways can we use soft skills data in real-time to grant us access to an unfettered view of every employee's innate behaviours and strengths leading to better-informed management and better communication

  • How are the latest AI techniques and tools being used to identify and map relationships between skills, enable automatic matching, skills inferences, and career-path mapping

  • Learn how technology can help mitigate the employee burnout epidemic and lead to an increase in workforce retention

Session #2

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Fostering a Place of Work where Everyone can Connect, Belong and Grow

Along with expectations of greater empathy and cultivating a more human work environment, there is increasing pressure to improve equity and inclusion within organisations. In particular, there is mounting pressure from all of HR’s stakeholders — internally and externally — to make real progress on diversifying leadership and address race, ethnicity, and inclusion with an intersectional perspective. In a time where our people are valued as our organisation’s greatest asset, using DEIB initiatives to enhance the employee experience is your recipe to come out of this era stronger.

Discussion points

  • UDE&I commitments are being made by almost all major organisations -- How can we take actionable steps forward?

  • How to build a DE&I function that extends beyond an HR-led affair, embedded into the culture and values of the organisation and their workforce?

  • How to accelerate progress on DE&I goals by establishing consequential accountability for your organisations’ leaders with KPI's in place? 

  • Discover how Diversity of thought comes as a result of successfully operationalised DE&I strategies, creating a sense of belonging and new innovations

Thanks to Pymetrics for partnering with us to bring you this content

Download the Future of Talent White paper and Discover the 6 Key Findings for 2022 to update and bolster your Talent Strategy