HR Leaders is a digital media platform Shaping the Future of Work, for business and for the lasting benefit of society.

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HR Leaders Workshop: April 14th

Session #1

How to Create a Human-Centred Culture to Attract and Retain Talent in a Competitive Market

Organisations today are feeling the pressure to attract and retain talent, as the stress, burnout and isolation caused by the pandemic has caused employees to re-evaluate what they want in their work life. People are now more certain than ever of what they will and won’t tolerate at work, and having a workplace culture where humans are at the centre has become a critical differentiator when it comes to retaining and attracting talent.

Discussion points

  • In a hybrid, disconnected world, human connections matter more now than ever and are key for regaining high levels of employee engagement

  • How issues like inclusion, sustainability, and mental health as part of corporate culture have become key factors for employees choosing to stay/join a company

  • What aspects of human culture to invest in in the coming months to ensure that the experiences and propositions you offer help rather than hinder retention/hiring. Looking at the power of recognition and celebrating life events in particular.

Session #2

The Great Reshuffle: Why a Human-Centred Recognition & Rewards Strategy is Critical for a Future Ready Workplace

Today, we are witnessing significant changes in what employees want from their experience of work and there’s been a palpable shift in power. Stress, burnout, and isolation have put new expectations on the table and a greater desire to rebalance work-life priorities. And if companies can’t or won’t put the human at the centre of work, employees are more than happy to look for opportunity elsewhere. ‘The Great Reshuffle’ is here.

That means leaders need to take a step back and re-evaluate which programmes and practices need to be prioritised to create a more human workplace and to turn the Great Resignation into the Great Reshuffle.

Discussion points

  • Why we are experiencing the Great Reshuffle and how it is shaping workforce behaviours and expectations

  • How to adapt workplace practices to align with these new expectations, particularly in the reward and recognition space where monetary aspects are no longer the only priority for employees

  • What reward and recognition strategies HR leaders can put in place to become the employer where people want to land when resigning from elsewhere and how organisations can make the most of the Great Reshuffle

Thanks to Workhuman for partnering with us to bring you this content

Two Years into Covid: The State of Human Connection at Work

The global pandemic turned work on its head. Pre-pandemic, work was a physical place for most people. Now, most industries have at least 25% of employees working either hybrid or fully remote.

Some business and HR leaders are understandably concerned about the potentially detrimental impact on culture and connection – and ultimately the resilience of the workforce.

Workhuman® iQ polled 2,268 full-time workers across the UK, Ireland, US and Canada to learn about the state of human connection at work two years into Covid, analysing survey findings and practical advice for HR and business leaders to create human-centred work cultures.