About the Panel Discussion

Culturally Responsive Care in Mental Health is crucial in today's diverse global workforce. HR and Well-being leaders need to recognize that historical oppression means people from various social identities have been left underrepresented in mental health treatment and how they access care. In a multicultural workforce, it’s not just a matter of inclusivity but a strategic necessity in addressing the mental health challenges of underrepresented populations. By understanding and respecting these cultural nuances, organizations can ensure that their mental health initiatives are effective and truly supportive.

HR Leaders and Wellbeing Executives face the challenge of dismantling barriers that prevent marginalized groups from accessing mental health services, often exacerbated by systemic biases and discrimination. This task involves not only recognizing these barriers but actively working to eliminate them. By fostering cultural competence in mental health care, organizations can offer more inclusive and high-quality treatment. This not only benefits the employees by providing them with the necessary support but also enhances the overall effectiveness of the HR function including improved workforce wellness, reduced absenteeism, and a more cohesive culture. A workforce that feels understood and supported in terms of mental health is more engaged, productive, and loyal.

To best support the workforce, focus on building a diverse network of mental health providers equipped with culturally responsive skills. Join our interactive panel and learn from the world’s top Wellbeing and DE&I Executives on how to integrate cultural competence into mental health strategies that are aligned with the diverse needs of the workforce. Be a part of the solution by not only offering more relevant and effective care but also positioning your organization as an inclusive employer of choice.

Discussion Topics

Understanding Cultural Impact: Learn how culture influences mental health, including beliefs about mental illness, coping mechanisms, and the role of community support

Addressing Barriers to Care: Gain insights into the challenges faced by marginalized communities in accessing mental health care and strategies to overcome these barriers

Cultural Competence in Providers: Understand the importance of cultural competence among mental health providers and how it contributes to more effective and inclusive care

Implementing Culturally Responsive Strategies: Discover how to integrate culturally responsive care into corporate mental health strategies to better serve a diverse workforce

World Class Panelists

More Coming Soon

Jalie Cohen

Chief Human Resources Officer
Radiology Partners

Andrew Davies

Head of International
Lyra Health

Marta López

Global Head of DE&I and Wellbeing
Ocado Group

Vijay Pendakur

Senior Strategist at Salesforce
Former Chief DE&I Officer at Dropbox, VM Ware & Zynga

Felizitas Lichtenberg

Global Head of Diversity & Inclusion, Wellbeing and ESG

Chris Rainey

CEO & Co-Founder
HR Leaders