About the Panel Discussion

HR plays a crucial role in supporting an organization's commitment to sustainability by promoting eco-friendly policies, aligning employee values with the company's sustainability goals, and implementing training programs for employees to raise awareness about sustainable practices. HR can support the organization in reaching net zero by evaluating its carbon footprint, setting reduction targets, and creating a sustainability plan. They can also encourage employees to adopt sustainable habits and reduce waste, such as reducing paper usage, using energy-efficient technology, and promoting remote/hybrid work. By implementing these strategies, HR can help organizations reach their goal of net zero, reduce their environmental impact, and contribute to a sustainable future.

Join us for this LIVE 1-hour panel discussion and learn from the world's top HR, CSR and ESG Executives. We will share how the transition to a greener economy requires a culture that’s committed to net zero and how HR can support and lead the charge in organisations.

Discussion Topics

• Why HR is central to building and accelerating a true culture of sustainability

• Building trust through frequent cross-functional collaboration between HR, CSR and ESG

• Align employee values with the company's sustainability goals

• Skills mapping the green talent in the workforce set of future generations

World Class Panelists:

Marc Croonen

Chief HR, Sustainability and Communication at Vandemoortele

Fatma Chader

Managing Director Talent and Organization at Accenture

Loïc Michel

Co-Founder & CEO at 365Talents

Luke Wynne

Director of Sustainability Learning and Development at JLL

Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez

Professor at IE Business School, HBR Author, Thinkers50, 
Co-founder at Strategy Implementation Institute

Christopher Rainey

CEO & Co-Founder at HR Leaders