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Body Language Secrets To Win More Negotiations

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In this episode of the HR Leaders podcast, I'm joined by my guest, Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator, Body Language Expert & Author.

Greg is a Harvard trained negotiator and TV News Contributor that presents negotiation training to organizations like Merck Pharmaceuticals, Mercedes Benz, Bank of America, and Unilever. He also delivers insights on how to read body language to enhance the negotiation process.

Episode Highlights

  • The misconceptions people have around negotiation

  • By not negotiating, you lose an opportunity you didn't know you had

  • Reading a person's thought process through signals they emit

  • How Businesses can use these techniques to get ahead

  • Why the pause is one of Greg's favourite negotiating techniques

  • Why a successful negotiation is different for each person

  • Are today's leaders prepared to negotiate?

  • Identifying and understanding micro expressions

  • Why HR Leaders need to master the conveyance of their emotions

  • A brief look at how Greg works with businesses

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