About the Panel Discussion

In the current economic climate, the pressure is on for HR leaders to discover cost-effective strategies that enhance engagement and retention within their organizations. According to Achievers Workforce Institute (AWI)’s 2023 State of Recognition Report, there’s a significant return on investment that recognition initiatives can yield, as frequent recognition has been proven to motivate and retain employees effectively.

Individuals who receive monthly recognition demonstrate higher job commitment compared to those recognized less frequently, such as quarterly or sporadically. However, recognition doesn't have to be extravagant or expensive to be effective. Even a simple, meaningful "thank you" can have a powerful impact on engagement and retention, on par with recognition programs that offer points or monetary rewards. However, it is worth noting that recognition programs incorporating monetary components tend to drive higher recognition frequency than social-only programs, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive and balanced approach.

Join us for a LIVE 1-hour interactive discussion and learn from some of the world's top HR & Total Rewards Executives. Discover the best practices for enhancing the quality and quantity of recognition, equipping HR leaders with valuable insights on maximizing engagement and retention through recognition initiatives.

Discussion Topics

• Discover why employee recognition has a high ROI that motivates and retains employees effectively

• Understand the optimal cadence to recognize employees which helps boost job commitment

• Learn the most cost-effective strategies for recognizing employees and their contributions

• Importance of tracking recognition data to offer customizable rewards

• How to leverage technology to facilitate p2p recognition allowing employees to acknowledge and appreciate each other’s contributions

World Class Panelists:

Jonathon Frampton

Senior Vice President Total Rewards & HR Operations
Baylor Scott & White Health

Rose Wanjohi

Vice President Human Resources - West Market

Thomas Herdtner

Vice President Human Resources

Hannah Yardley

Chief People and Culture Officer

Chester Elton

NYT Bestselling Author 'Leading with Gratitude' & 'The Carrot Principle'
Partner and Founder of The Culture Works

Chris Rainey

CEO & Co-Founder
HR Leaders