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HR Leaders Workshop: 13th July 2023

Session #1

Unlock Performance: How a Coaching Culture Drives Organisational Transformation

According to Harvard Business Review, 80% of organisational transformation efforts fail. Many companies struggle to achieve significant results despite investing in modern technology and workspaces. Why? Because true transformation begins with people.

A robust coaching culture can cultivate the mindsets and behaviours essential for upskilling your workforce and achieving meaningful business outcomes. According to data from BetterUp Labs, companies with a robust coaching culture experience a performance boost of up to 24% and reach 20% more goals. These companies also enjoyed a staggering 59% higher net-profit margin and 37% more YoY revenue growth between 2020 and 2022.


  • Develop and expand a coaching culture that cultivates critical skills and mindsets

  • Evaluate the ROI of your coaching initiatives

  • Align your goals and drive measurable impact


Unlock performance with a Coaching Culture

One-size-fits-all solutions don't result in ongoing organizational change. But a strong Coaching Culture is the key to it all.

Session #2

The Connection Crisis: Create Connection to Fuel Business Performance

People crave more connection yet feel less connected to their colleagues than ever before. According to research from BetterUp Labs, employees who feel isolated feel less attached to their work, and their sense of belonging and dedication to the organisation suffers, especially when it comes to talent retention and performance.

Across Europe, employees with a low sense of belonging have a 94% stronger intention to quit. Create a culture of connection to retain the talent you need to get through this turbulent time.


  • Create a culture of connection to reduce attrition

  • Improve employee performance, well-being, and collaboration

  • Implement science-backed techniques to transform your people and get better business results


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