Culture and Belonging: The glue that makes us an Organization


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In this episode of the HR Leaders podcast, I'm joined by my guest Anna Mindelöf, CHRO - Global Head of HR at Fenix Outdoor.

Episode Highlights

  • How would you define culture?

  • Is culture a job for leaders or everyone?

  • Practical ways to impact company culture?

  • The power of podcasting and internal comms

  • Are you on boarding digitally?

  • Thoughts on moving from command and control to servant leadership

  • How communication is shifting in this new world of work

  • A look at their unconscious bias training

  • What's the feedback been from the leaders?

  • Frequently asked questions from leaders on Diversity

  • Parting advice for you

Recommended Resources
💻 Follow Anna on LinkedIn
🌍 Lean more about Fenix Outdoor


Thanks to our friends at Cornerstone for supporting the show

Cornerstone is a premier people development company that believes people can achieve anything when they have the right growth opportunities. Cornerstone offers organisations the technology, content, expertise and specialised focus to help them realise the potential of their people.

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Click the button below to download a FREE copy. This report is a must-read for business-aligned HR professionals who want to make data-driven decisions.

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