Pablo Maison on Purpose, Lessons Learned, & the Changing Landscape of HR


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In this episode of the HR Leaders podcast, I'm joined by my guest Pablo Maison, Chief Human Resources Officer at Grupo Perez Companc.

Episode Highlights

  • About Pablo

  • What he loves about HR

  • Lessons learned over the past year

  • Pablo on his purpose

  • How the pandemic changed HR

  • HR's biggest challenge moving forward, and it's biggest opportunities

  • How he relaxes outside of work

  • On the worst times of Pablo's career

  • Could he ever leave the function?

  • What held him back from success

  • The best business advice he's been given

Recommended Resources

Explore the latest innovations in HR Technology and guide your People Strategy with smart analytics by downloading the Definitive Report on the State of HR Metrics and Talent Analytics in 2021.


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