Connecting the Well-Being of Workers and the Health of Organization in 2023


Connecting the Well-Being of Workers and the Health of Organization in 2023

A healthy workforce is the foundation for thriving organizations and healthier communities. As we enter 2023 we have an opportunity and the power to make workplaces engines for mental health and well-being. A Q4 2022 report by the U.S. Surgeon General released a new framework where organizations must rethink how they protect workers from harm, foster a sense of connection among workers, show workers that they matter, make space for their lives outside work, and support their growth.

Discussion points

  • Understanding the 5 Five Essentials for Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being

  • How to create the conditions for physical and psychological safety

  • Fostering positive social interactions and relationships in the workplace

  • Creating frameworks that integrate work and non-work demands, for all workers

  • How to communicate your People matter to those around them and that their work matters


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Most employers today want to support workforce mental health, but may not know how to get started or what business impacts to expect from investing in more comprehensive benefits.

In this guide you’ll learn:

  • How to approach different decision-makers in your organization

  • Strategies for outlining your goals and success criteria

  • The must-have metrics you need to make a personalized case for mental health benefits

  • The hidden costs of failing to address workforce mental health

  • Strategies from HR and benefits pros who are leading mental health programs that promote company goals

Watch more panel discussions