Own Your Legacy: Eliminating Habits of Exclusion


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In this episode of the HR Leaders podcast, I'm joined by my guest Linda Waste, Senior Director, Talent Acquisition, Inclusion & Diversity & Employer Branding at Electronic Arts.

Episode highlights

  • How her job perfectly aligns with her strengths

  • "If I can't do this job here, I'll do it somewhere else"

  • Linda's new love for hockey and the transferable skills

  • Why your career is your own responsibility

  • Experience vs qualifications

  • The beer test - Why we shouldn't hire people who look like us

  • Reducing pedigree bias in recruiting with certified training

  • Why managers need to stop outsourcing diversity

  • How writing a brief can help combat habits of exclusion

  • Why hiring for culture fit is a bad idea

  • The importance of processes to help avoid bias

  • Why owning diversity has to start with senior leaders

Recommended Resources


Thanks to our friends at Unit 4 for supporting the show

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