A Manager's Guide to Getting Results—Without Losing Your Soul

We are joined by Karin Hurt, Chief Executive Officer
at Let's Grow Leaders to discuss how leaders can get results without losing their souls.


  • The inspiration behind Karin’s new book and how it lead to love

  • How to reinforce behaviours that produce results

  • Why it’s important to delegate outcomes rather than focusing on process

  • 4 simple questions that get your team thinking more strategically

  • How to encourage more micro-innovation

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Chris RaineyComment
Resiliency is NOT about pain. It's about Possibility

We are joined by Eileen McDargh, International expert on the strategy of resiliency in the workplace and CEO chief energy officer at resilience group to discuss resiliency in the workplace.


  • The inspiration behind Eileen’s new book

  • How to define resiliency

  • What is “PTSG” Post Traumatic Stress Growth?

  • The affect of burn out on employees and the impact on business

  • What does a resilient organisation look like?

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Chris RaineyComment
Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More

We are joined by Mark Graban, Lean & Continuous Improvement,  Author, Speaker and Consultant to discuss how leaders can learn to react less, lead better and improve more.


  • The inspiration behind his new book

  • Why we need to stop reacting to noise and start responding to signals

  • The common mistakes companies make when looking at data

  • What is “plot the dots”

  • Advice for HR professionals implementing lean

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Chris RaineyComment
Insights from an HR Transformation & Change Journey

We are joined by Amit Avasthi, Head of HR Emerging Markets at Larsen & Toubro Infotech to discuss his experience managing HR Transformations.


  • How Amit’s experience as a consultant helped in his role as a HR professional

  • Why we should focus on bite-sized HR and avoid longer interactions

  • Amit’s advice for those embarking on a HR transformation journey

  • Why the first step of any transformation should be to ask yourself “what is really going to change?”

  • How Amit used gamification as a tool to communicate change

  • Why HR needs to justify it’s seat at the table

  • Why creating a Culture of coaching is the real #futureofwork

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Chris Rainey Comment
Eurosport: How To Increase Employee Well-being Through Digitalisation

We are joined by Caroline Roque, Compensation and Benefits Manager at Eurosport & Faustine Jerome, Product Manager at Benify to discuss how Eurosport increased employee well-being through digitisation.


  • The challenge Eurosport was facing and how Caroline found Benify

  • How does not having a benefits solution affect employee well-being

  • How Eurosport maintained consistent engagement rates via content and competitions

  • The feedback from employees

  • Advice for compensation and Benefits managers looking for a benefits solution

  • Caroline’s overall experience with Benify

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Chris RaineyComment
How to Master Your Mind When Emotions Take the Wheel

We are joined by Marcia Reynolds, Global Expert in Holding Mind Changing Conversations to discuss how you can use coaching skills to turn difficult conversations into positive results.


  • Why telling people what to do is a big waste of time

  • The importance of considering the individuals goals during these difficult conversations

  • What you can do to avoid bringing emotion (especially judgement) into the conversation

  • Why you should be curious about your employees thinking

  • Using coaching skills or reflective inquiry to change minds

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Chris RaineyComment
HR Transformation: A Talent Acquisition Journey

We are joined by Sean Murphy, Director, Global Talent Acquisition at United Technologies Corporation to discuss UTC’s HR Transformation Journey.


  • Sean’s experience joining his client and facing the good and bad decisions

  • Where to start when embarking on a HR Transformation journey

  • Converting business partners into strategic recruiting partners

  • How to get buy-in from senior stake holders and keep them engaged

  • The importance of communicating change early and as often as possible

  • Looking back what he’d do differently

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Chris RaineyComment
How MSD Increased Employee Satisfaction Through Technology

We are joined by Isabelle Couquiaud-Schbath, Compensation & Benefits Associate Director at MSD & Rosalie Riss, Senior Account Manager at Benify


  • The challenge MSD faced and how Isabelle found Benify

  • MSD’s previous benefits system

  • Questions you should ask when looking for a benefits solution

  • Why Benify?

  • The impact this has had on their employees and their feedback

  • How the solution adds another layer of communication

  • Isabelle’s overall experience with Benify

  • Isabelle’s plans to expand the solution to other parts of the country

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Chris RaineyComment
Pregnant and Screwed: Working to end the Motherhood Penalty

We are joined by Joeli Brearley, Founder at Pregnant Then Screwed.


  • What is the motherhood penalty and how it’s affecting mothers in the workplace

  • Joeli’s experience of been sacked the day after announcing she was 4 months pregnant

  • How HR can better support parents that are returning to work

  • Why 30% of employers avoid hiring mothers of child bearing age

  • How Pregnant and Screwed support mothers with tribunals

  • The resources and help available to parents affected by workplace discrimination

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Chris RaineyComment
The Evolution of Leadership Development and Learning

We are joined by Susie McNamara, VP Global Leadership Development and Learning at Fortive.


  • Susie’s thought process as she chose to disrupt herself by moving from a 15 year career at General Mills to join a start up

  • What her first year at Fortive looked like and why she spent her first 10 weeks travelling the business before starting her role

  • The importance of “mini experiments” and why she believes they are more effective than 3 month leadership programs

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Chris RaineyComment
GE's HR Leadership Program: 65 years of Heritage and Experimentation

We are joined by Imola Richards, Global Program Manager - HR Leadership Program at GE .


  • How GE structures its HR Leadership Program 

  • How the structure has changed to develop virtual & digital HR talent

  • The skills and competencies that are developed in the program

  • How to engage leaders throughout the process

  • How the program delivers ROI for the business

  • Best practices (Dos & Don’ts)

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Chris RaineyComment
NASA's HR Transformation Journey

We are joined by Brady Pyle, Director of Human Resources Services at NASA.


  • Moving from a decentralised HR function across 10 locations across the US

  • How NASA is competing for talent with the rise of private aviation and space organisations.

  • Why it’s important to retain a local HR director role to help strike a balance between company culture and local commonality.

  • How NASA’s systems are impeding it’s own growth

  • The impact this transformation has had on employees and their feedback

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Chris Rainey Comment
It’s time to talk about Ageism in the Workplace

We are joined by Patti Temple, Founder at Temple Rocks and author of I’m Not Done.


  • How to recognise the subtle signs of ageism and why it’s not always intended

  • Examples of companies who understand that a good retirement transition for it’s employees is in their best interest (phased retirement)

  • The importance of having early and regular conversations with employees regarding their retirement

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Chris RaineyComment
The role of HR in a Growing Business

We are joined by Henry Toledo, Chief People Officer at Valet Living.


  • The role of HR in a growing business

  • Henry’s perspective as a chief people officer during the first 90 days of his role

  • How speaking with clients and customers is a great way to get insight into your business

  • Why podcasting is such an underrated tool

  • What HR Leaders need to know when considering a role as a CHRO

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Chris RaineyComment
Agile Leadership in a Changing World

We are joined by Donovan Mattole, Vice-President Human Resources North America at Brenntag.


  • Donovan’s unique background, growing upon an organic cannabis farm off grid with no electricity, telephone or running hot water

  • How Donovan got started in HR and his unique journey

  • Adapting HR to a Company’s Unique Story

  • How to Implement HR strategy in a large region

  • Should you hire people who previously worked for you or hire new people?

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Chris RaineyComment
How To Lead A Diverse and Inclusive Workforce

We are joined by Robin Everhart, Senior Vice President & Chief Diversity Officer at Cintas to discuss how to lead a diverse and inclusive workforce, how backing from the CEO accelerated the success of the function, the importance of having uncomfortable conversations and the healthy dialog as a result, why we have to be willing to look into each others backpacks of belief, challenging unconscious bias during interviews and the innovation that comes from challenging the status quo.

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Chris RaineyComment